Company profile
Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst
The DAAD connects people and science. Founded in Heidelberg in 1925, it is one of the most important funding organisations for the international exchange of students and academics.
About Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst
Since its foundation, the DAAD has supported around two million academics at home and abroad. As an association, it is supported by German universities and student bodies. Its activities go far beyond awarding scholarships: the DAAD promotes the internationalisation of German universities, strengthens German studies and the German language abroad, supports developing countries in establishing efficient universities and advises decision-makers in education, foreign science and development policy.
The budget comes mainly from federal funds from various ministries, especially the Federal Foreign Office, from the European Union as well as from companies, organisations and foreign governments. The headquarters are located in Bonn, and the DAAD also maintains an office in Berlin, to which the renowned Berlin Artists-in-Residence Programme is affiliated. A network of field offices and Information Centres (ICs) in more than 60 countries maintains contact with the most important partner countries on all continents and provides on-site advice.
Building on its previous sustained success in supporting outstanding students and researchers, the DAAD aims to prepare future professionals and leaders for responsible action and to create lasting connections throughout the world. It aims to provide even greater support for the professional and cultural networking of its scholarship holders, alumnae and alumni.
The DAAD will design its programmes in such a way that the higher education institutions can use them to implement their own internationalisation strategies. In order to maintain Germany’s position as a leading host country for internationally mobile students, at least 350,000 foreign students must be attracted by 2020.
Their academic success should rise to the same level as that of native students. By the end of the decade, every second German university graduate is to gain substantial experience abroad during their studies. The DAAD fights for the place of German as a language of science and advocates multilingualism everywhere. It is involved in shaping the European Higher Education and Research Area.
The DAAD’s activities are based on comprehensive and differentiated knowledge of the structures of higher education cooperation and science systems worldwide. In doing so, the DAAD can rely on the professional experience of its staff and the worldwide network of field offices, information centres and lectorates.
This knowledge is continuously updated and made available for strategic decisions by the actors. On the basis of this knowledge, the DAAD will be able to perform its function as a driving force for the internationalisation of the science system even more strongly.